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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Milwaukee Beef?!

In the realm of music exist a territory in which all artists understand certain boundaries exist. These boundaries can have ranges in many areas such as lyrical lines, personal style, or even camp identity. The area where i have noticed some rivalry is in the area of camp identity. I'm sure many have heard or seen the conversations between labels CMG Music and Purple Label. It seems as though the beef started with a couple of identity affiliations between the two camps. Purple Label has made its mark on the city through a "brand name" using the label name to affiliate with each artist from project ideas stemming all the way down to artist clothing. Understanding the identity counts for so much in music the dispute has validity coming from the Purple Label side. In playing advocate I have to point out that since i first seen a Pizzle appearance (one of CMG's artist) he has been draped in the color that has been the roots of this "new" beef between the two labels. In my opinion i understand that you can't have two groups establishing themselves through an affiliation with a particular color. I will not say which camp i feel logically has the upper hand but i will say one of the two at the end of the day will lost a strong part of their marketing strategy in the use of the color. Hopefully by the next heated argument the city of Milwaukee will have some quality battle rap tracks to support each camp's argument and further the reason why we all feel the world should stay in tuned to the music world Milwaukee has to offer, seeing as though artist like Dri Cardan PD Manns, AG Da Gift, Pizzle, and Young Renz are of the two camps it should make an interesting and exciting battle between the two.

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